Coaching helps individuals to get to the heart of what might be impeding their performance or getting in the way of them achieving their professional goals. We help you set and achieve goals that will take your performance as a project manager from good to excellent.

Why Coaching?

Coaching is widely recognised as an effective and empowering way to set and achieve personal and professional goals. It’s founded on the unwavering belief that adults are excellent problem solvers and with the support and guidance of a coach individuals can experience growth, overcome obstacles to their development and fast-track their way to achieving their potential at work. In addition to the productivity and morale boosting benefits that come from coaching, individuals gain a renewed sense of self-belief, a better understanding of what may be blocking their growth, and a clear plan on how they will achieve their goals.

How Do I Know if I Need Coaching?

As a project manager we often know what it is we need to improve in order to grow and develop in our careers. Training programs alone may not provide enough opportunity to learn what we specifically need. If you are ready to be challenged and take a brave step towards achieving your potential as a leader, a coach can help to guide and direct your activities to ensure you reach your goal.

How Does Coaching Work?

Typically, the coach and project manager will meet to discuss the project manager’s goals. They will then draft a coaching contract to identify the number of sessions required to achieve these goals and ensure mutual accountability. The project manager has the option to participate in a 360-degree survey in their workplace using the Life Styles Inventory™, a powerful personal and professional development tool recognised internationally.

Who Uses the Life Styles Inventory™?

Effective project managers take the time to understand how their thinking and behaviours impact themselves and their project team. They want to know if their leadership behaviours are producing the right results and creating the right environment to meet performance expectations.

The Life Styles Inventory™ uses both self-assessment and colleague feedback to identify individual thinking and behavioural styles and ranks these against research on leadership effectiveness. The results of the inventory are then used as part of a series of dynamic coaching sessions during which the project manager can set specific leadership development goals and progress towards achieving these so that the project manager can build and maintain a constructive team culture. Using the results of the Life Styles Inventory™, the project manager embarks on a transformation journey towards becoming an authentic, effective and world-class project manager. We can help you to learn how to achieve your leadership potential.

Achieve your potential as a leader

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