Working with others in a project team can be challenging. Teams that don’t work well together eventually fall apart. If project teams don’t have the skills to communicate effectively then solving problems, making decisions and dealing with change becomes more difficult than it needs to be.

Understanding what makes teams tick

The more we understand our team members personality and their behaviours the more likely we are to work together successfully. Using the world-renowned personality inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), you will learn each other’s personality type and how to use this knowledge to achieve optimal team performance.

Why Use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is one of the most widely used personality inventories in the world. Developed by Isabel Briggs-Myers and Katharine Briggs and based on the work of Carl Jung, this powerful tool is used to promote diversity and the appreciation of difference to build authentic, collaborative and productive team relationships. It’s backed by more than seventy years of scientific research and is used by 89 out of the Fortune 100 companies to maximise team and individual performance.
Download a sample MBTI® report via the links below:
• MBTI® Form M Interpretive Report• MBTI® Form M Interpretive Report for Organizations

What Happens During a Team Building Workshop?

Participants complete the MBTI® inventory online prior to attending the program and will receive a detailed report when they attend the workshop.

The result of the inventory is thoroughly debriefed by an accredited MBTI® practitioner. The team will have the opportunity to experience how you can apply what you have learned to help improve the performance of the project team. This workshop is highly interactive and engages the team in a powerful team building experience.
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What you’ll learn

In our team building workshop you will learn how to:
  • Improve team communication by understanding people’s different personalities and how these can be used to strengthen rather than hinder team performance.
  • Promote better problem-solving, improve decision making and resolve conflict by knowing how to use the strengths associated with different personality types.
  • Enable you to exercise greater influence by understanding how to pitch your message to appeal to different personality types.

Achieve optimal team performance

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Training Programs

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Coaching for Performance

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